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GE Aerospace Forward-Looking Statements


Certain of our public communications and SEC filings may contain statements related to future, not past, events. These forward-looking statements often address our expected future business and financial performance and financial condition, and often contain words such as "expect," "anticipate," "intend," "plan," "believe," "seek," "see," "will," "would," "estimate," "forecast," "target," "preliminary," or "range." Forward-looking statements by their nature address matters that are, to different degrees, uncertain, such as statements about the impacts of macroeconomic and market conditions and volatility on our business operations, financial results and financial position; conditions affecting the aerospace and defense industry, including our customers and suppliers; our expected financial performance, including cash flows, revenues, margins, earnings and earnings per share; planned and potential transactions; our credit ratings and outlooks; our funding and liquidity; our businesses’ cost structures and plans to reduce costs; restructuring, impairment or other financial charges; or tax rates.

For us, particular areas where risks or uncertainties could cause our actual results to be materially different than those expressed in our forward-looking statements include: 

  • changes in macroeconomic and market conditions and market volatility (including risks related to recession, inflation, supply chain constraints or disruptions, interest rates, values of securities and other financial assets, oil, jet fuel and other commodity prices and exchange rates), and the impact of such changes and volatility on our business operations and financial results;
  • global economic trends, competition and geopolitical risks, including impacts from the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine and related sanctions and risks related to conflict in the Middle East; demand or supply shocks from events such as a major terrorist attack, war, natural disasters or actual or threatened public health pandemics or other emergencies; or an escalation of sanctions, tariffs or other trade tensions between the U.S. and China or other countries;
  • market or other developments that may affect demand or the financial strength and performance of airframers, airlines, suppliers and other key aerospace and defense industry participants, such as demand for air travel, supply chain or other production constraints, shifts in U.S. or foreign government defense programs and other industry dynamics; 
  • pricing, cost, volume and the timing of sales, investment and production by us and our customers, suppliers or other industry participants;
  • the impact of actual or potential safety or quality issues or failures of our products or third-party products with which our products are integrated, including design, production, performance, durability or other issues, and related costs and reputational effects;
  • operational execution, including our performance amidst market growth and ramping newer product platforms, meeting delivery and other contractual obligations, improving turnaround times in our services businesses and reducing costs over time; 
  • the amount and timing of our earnings and cash flows, which may be impacted by macroeconomic, customer, supplier, competitive, contractual, financial or accounting (including changes in estimates) and other dynamics and conditions;
  • our capital allocation plans, including the timing and amount of dividends, share repurchases, acquisitions, organic investments and other priorities; 
  • our decisions about investments in research and development or new products, services and platforms, and our ability to launch new products in a cost-effective manner, as well as technology developments and other dynamics that could shift the demand or competitive landscape for our products and services;
  • our success in executing planned and potential transactions, including the timing for such transactions, the ability to satisfy any applicable pre-conditions and the expected benefits; 
  • downgrades of our credit ratings or ratings outlooks, or changes in rating application or methodology, and the related impact on our funding profile, costs, liquidity and competitive position;
  • capital or liquidity needs associated with our run-off insurance operations and mortgage portfolio in Poland (Bank BPH), the amount and timing of any required future capital contributions and any strategic options that we may consider;
  • changes in law, regulation or policy that may affect our businesses, such as trade policy and tariffs; government defense budgets; regulation, incentives and emissions offsetting or trading regimes related to climate change; and the effects of tax law changes;
  • the impact of regulation; government investigations; regulatory, commercial and legal proceedings or disputes; environmental, health and safety matters; or other legal compliance risks, including the impact of shareholder and related lawsuits, Bank BPH and other proceedings that are described in our SEC filings;
  • the impact related to information technology, cybersecurity or data security breaches at GE Aerospace or third parties; and
  • the other factors that are described in the "Risk Factors" section in our Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 2024, as such descriptions may be updated or amended in any future reports we file with the SEC.

These or other uncertainties may cause our actual future results to be materially different than those expressed in our forward-looking statements. We do not undertake to update our forward-looking statements. Our public communications and SEC filings may include certain forward-looking projected financial information that is based on current estimates and forecasts. Actual results could differ materially.

Prior Forward-Looking Statement Information

Information about forward-looking statements prior to January 22, 2016 is included in the relevant communications document or SEC filing