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Honoring Our GE Aviation Veterans

November 12, 2018
Veterans Day is a time for Americans to reflect on the importance of our nation’s Armed Forces and honor those who have served and who continue to serve.

GE recognizes the value of military veterans and strives to be the employer of choice for our service men and women. About 9,000 U.S. veterans currently work for GE, and right now, more than 60 employees are on active duty orders serving in the U.S. National Guard and Reserves. As we celebrate Veterans Day in the U.S., we want to thank our employees around the world who have served, or currently serve, in honor of their country.

Today we are sharing photos of nearly 100 GE Aviation veterans from their military service. Many of the photos include not only the servicemen and women, but of their family members and comrades.

Happy Veterans Day.

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